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Baseball Age

"Baseball age" key

A Player’s “baseball age” is determined based on his or her age on May 1st each year.  The 'U' stands for "and under".   The "baseball year" is determined by the various tournament and governing bodies of youth baseball.  Local associations follow their lead. 

To protect the safety of our players, players are not permitted to play above their “Baseball Age” without prior approval by the League Commissioner and exceptions are rarely granted.  For more information, please visit our Rules page, and thoroughly review our Rules & Exemptions document for our Recreational Programs. 

For the DYB Select Program it is at the coach's discretion, primarily based on the tournament rules they will have to abide by, as to whether or not to take players based on grade. 

The process to have your player be considered for play above his baseball age (Play Up),  is to register with the automatically assigned Age Group based on his/her birthdate, then contact the Commissioner HERE for the respective Age Group that your player wishes to be evaluated for instead.  

*Some 3 year olds who qualify for 4U Blastball may not be ready for organized sports.   Please consider your child's ability to focus, pay attention and participate away from you prior to registering.