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Our Select program offers players from ages 8 to 18, three levels of competitive baseball: AAAAA, and Majors

We aim to provide players a platform to improve & progress through the advancing levels of select baseball, and into high school competition.

Our mission is to create a consistent, competitive, and positive learning environment, where players can push each other through hard work & motivation to become better baseball players.  We believe in pushing teammates to be better, picking them up when they are down, and always believing in yourself.  By putting these young players in competitive situations, we help them develop their character, which will benefit them not only in baseball, but in life.  Training is overseen by qualified volunteer coaches and professional instructors, with the goal that players in the Select program will achieve both team and individual performance goals aligned with the Dragon Tradition of Excellence. 


Team Rosters

Our Select program holds tryouts for available roster slots both in the Fall & Spring seasons.  This is done to accommodate any new players who move into (or out of) the city of Southlake, or for roster adjustments based on individual player development or team chemistry.  If you would like information regarding available roster slots within our Select league, then please contact our Select Programs Director at


Game Schedules

Select league (TEBA) game schedules can be found HERE.

Rules & Exemptions

Select teams are governed by the Dragon Youth Baseball - General Rules and Exceptions, along with the rules provided by the Texas Elite Baseball Association (TEBA), and/or other sanctioning organizations of the tournaments and/or leagues played in by these teams.

Dragon Youth Baseball - General Rules & Exceptions

Texas Elite Baseball Association (TEBA): Bylaws & Standing Rules


***2024-2025 COACHES ***


Robert Fountain (AA)

Greg Williams (AA)

Steven Baker (AA)


Troy DeVan (AA)

Mike Meyers (AA)


Mike Heldoorn (AAA)

Robert Fountain (AAA)

Andy Valentine (AA)


Dustin Maddux (AAA)

Trevor Tacker (AAA)

Richard Mason (AA)


Joel Dayton (Majors)

Steven Hartzler (AAA)

Ryan Simonak (AA)


George Pickard (AAA)


Ray Clark (AAA)